13 julho 2021

Bloco de Atividades com WH Questions 7º e 8º ano



A machine that is used for stitching cloth or other material together. The first sewing machine was invented in 1830 by Barthélemy Thimonnier , a tailor, in France. In the United States, Walter Hunt  also invented a sewing machine in 1834, but did not patent it. Later, in 1846, the device was improved by another American, Elias Howe, whose business was not successful at first. Isaac M. Singer made small modifications in the machine and patented his improvements in 1851. His business became a success: his company sold 2,564 machines in 1856, and 13,000 in 1860.


Responda às questões 1, 2 e 3 baseado na leitura do texto acima.

1.Qual é o assunto tratado no texto “ Sewing Machine”?


2.Complete a tabela com as informações que estão faltando, baseia-se no texto.

 Observação: Retire as respostas antes de imprimir para seus alunos




Was successful?





Walter Hunt








Isaac M. Singer




3.Qual é esse tipo de texto?

a.(    )um anúncio publicitário.

b.(    )um texto informativo- descritivo.

c.(    )um verbete de enciclopédia.

d.(    )um manual de instruções.

e.(    )uma página da internet.

4. Qual frase descreve a função da máquina de costura?

 a) It´s compact and durable.

 b) It´s used for sewing clothes.

 c) It´s used for carrying water.

 d) It´s an invention.

 e) It was invented by Barthélemy Thimonnier.

5. Leia as frases a seguir.

(I) The electric iron was invented by Henry W. Seeley.

(II) It is important to patent your invention.

(III) His business became a success.

Escolha a alternativa correta.

a)Todas as frases referem-se a eventos no passado.

b)Todas as frases referem-se a eventos no presente.

c) Apenas  a frase(II) refere-se a eventos no passado.

d) Apenas as frases (I) e (II) referem-se a eventos no presente.

e) Apenas as frases (I) e (III) referem-se a eventos no passado.

6º) Encontre no texto frases que utilizaram o simple past, assunto das aulas passadas, e justifique o uso dos mesmos.



Texto para às questões  de 01 a  03

Who Is Neymar?

When Did Neymar First Start Playing Soccer?

Neymar vestido com camisa de seleção brasileira
Neymar da Silva Santos Jr. was born on February 5, 1992, in Mogi das Cruzes, São Paulo, Brazil. The son of a former professional soccer player, Neymar followed in his father's footsteps by playing street games and futsal, an indoor version of the game. He joined the Portuguesa Santista youth club in 1999, and within a few years was one of the most highly regarded young talents in the country [… ]

01. O título do texto, traduzido seria:

A) Who is Neymar? ____________________________________________________

B) What is Neymar?

C) How is Neymar?

02.Na oração:” When Did Neymar First Start Playing Soccer?...”, a palavra grifada significa:





03. De acordo com o texto:

I.Neymar nasceu em 05 de fevereiro de 1992.

II.Ele é filho de um ex técnico de futebol.

III.No trecho: Neymar followed in his father's footsteps…” as palavras grifadas correspondem respectivamente a: passos de seu pai.

IV.Neymar ingressou no clube de jovens Portuguesa Santista em 2000.

Está correto o que se afirma em:

A)I e II   

B)I e III  

C)apenas em III 

D)apenas em IV

Grammar Wh-questions words 

04. Relacione cada frase a tradução adequada nas colunas abaixo. 

(a). What  is your name?

(b).Who are you?           

(c).Where are they keys?

(d).What do you want? 

(e).What is your favorite color?

(f).When will you do that?


(    )O que você quer?

(    ) Qual é a sua cor favorita?

(    )Onde estão as chaves?

(    ) Quando você vai fazer isso?

(    )Quem é você?

(    )Qual é o seu nome?

05.Complete as frases com a question word correta:

a._____ is your address? (what –when)

b. _____ are you from? (what –where)

c. _____ are you and your parents planning to go on your next vacation? (what –where)

d. _____ are you studying English at this school? (what –why)

e. _____ is your birthday? (why –when)

f. _____ are you going to come back? (when –where)

g. _____ are you driving so fast? (why –when)

i. _____ books and notebooks are these? (whose –when)

Quer saber mais sobre os WH questions? Clique no botão saiba mais!

12 julho 2021